Lindow The Sheep Supreme Exhibitor

Jessica Lindow of Chili, is the 2023 Wisconsin State Fair Sheep Supreme Exhibitor. The Supreme Exhibitor award is based on a junior exhibitor’s overall achievements at the 2023 Fair from points earned participating in the Junior Sheep show, Quiz contest, Communication contest and Showmanship.

Lindow has exhibited as a junior exhibitor at Wisconsin State Fair for the past five years but started out as an open show exhibitor in 2011. She had the supreme champion wool ram in the 2018 Open Show and third overall wool ram in 2019. Her Junior Show accomplishments include winning showmanship twice and being the 4th overall breeding sheep showman this year. In addition to participating in the Junior Sheep Show, Lindow can also be found participating in the Junior Swine Shows. She also participates in various educational contests.

Lindow is currently a high school junior. She plans to keep growing her flock in addition to her herd of hogs. She would like to pursue a career in Ag Marketing and Communications and follow her dream of doing livestock photography.  

One aspect of Fair that Lindow enjoys is the family of friends she has gained from her years of exhibiting. When asked about a favorite memory, she said it was when she “received a top five banner in the Supreme Breeding Sheep Showmanship…. and was selected fourth Overall Breeding Sheep Showman this year at Fair.”